mentor sessions

for Photographers

Over the last six years, I have grown tremendously as an artist, photographer, and business owner. I have witnessed and documented countless people, lovers, landscapes, weddings, families, brands; always learning, never photographing the same thing twice. Photography is so much more than a job or even a craft to me – it is a way of knowing, of being. Each year I’ve pursued photography professionally has been one of growth, learning, and evolution; all of this is tethered to the other artists and photographers with whom I have been lucky enough to cross paths. The chance to study traditional darkroom photography and documentary practice during undergrad was particularly life-changing for me.

I know the value of having a trusted mentor be available not just once, but steadily – to witness your enduring growth, to accompany you, to be a source of challenge and encouragement. All that said, I want to be an open book for kindred spirits. I believe that mentorship is something reciprocal, that we learn from each other. I want to cultivate a safe, curious space for others to grow and transform. I want to be there for you, share what I know, and support you however I can.


We will meet over FaceTime (or at a coffee shop, if you’re local!) and get to know one another a bit, and then dive straight into the questions and goals you’ve outlined in your mentoring questionnaire. Like I said, each session is completely custom-built to every individual mentee, but here are some examples of how we could spend our time:

  • Open Q&A

  • A portfolio review

  • Website + social media audit

  • Brainstorming / strategic planning

  • Tutorials

We can talk about anything photo, art, or business related – workflow, pricing, photo curation, shooting/scanning film, graphic design, submitting to publications, polaroids, web design, attracting your ideal client, copy writing, etc. I am here to be an open book and to support you however I can.


$100 / HR